
Applications will be assessed by the judges using the following criteria.

Entrepreneurship Catalyst

  1. How were /are your entrepreneurship education work / activities delivered? Include an explanation of why you consider this to be good practice (25% of judges’ marks)
  2. What do you consider to be the innovative and/or novel aspects of your entrepreneurship education work / activities? (25% of judges’ marks)
  3. How has the work / activities been evaluated?  What evidence do you have of the impact and the difference it has made in supporting pre-starts, start-ups and growing ventures? (25% of judges’ marks)
  4. What plans do you have to develop your entrepreneurship education work / activities and how would the prize money be used to support this? (25% of judges’ marks)

Enterprise Catalyst

  1. How were /are your enterprise education work / activities delivered? Include an explanation of why you consider this to be good practice (25% of judges’ marks)
  2. What do you consider to be the innovative and/or novel aspects of your enterprise education work / activities? (25% of judges’ marks)
  3. How has the work / activities been evaluated? What evidence do you have of the impact and the difference it has made in supporting the development of enterprising skills and attributes? (25% of judges’ marks)
  4. What plans do you have to develop your enterprise education work / activities and how would the prize money be used to support this? (25% of judges’ marks)

Enterprise for Good

  1. How well were /are your enterprise education work / activities delivered? Include an explanation of why you consider this to be good practice (25% of judges’ marks)
  2. How innovative and/or novel aspects of your enterprise education work / activities? (25% of judges’ marks)
  3. How has the work / activities been evaluated? What evidence do you have of the impact and the difference it has made in supporting the development of enterprising skills and attributes? (25% of judges’ marks)
  4. What plans do you have to develop your enterprise education work / activities and how would the prize money be used to support this? (25% of judges’ marks)

Rising Star in Enterprise Education

  1. What is the individual’s role within enterprise/entrepreneurship education and what are the key examples of best practice? (25% of judges’ marks)
  2. What has been the individual’s biggest achievement(s) since starting their career in enterprise/entrepreneurship education? (25% of judges’ marks)
  3. What evidence is there of the impact the individual has had within their organisation in relation to enterprise/entrepreneurship education? (25% of judges’ marks)
  4. Why do you believe this individual has the potential to deliver transformational impact within enterprise and entrepreneurship education in the future? (25% of judges’ marks)

Pioneer in Enterprise Education

  1. What is the individual’s role within enterprise/entrepreneurship education and what are the key examples of their exceptional practice within their organisation and across the sector? (25% of judges’ marks)
  2. What evidence is there of the transformational change and impact that the individual has had within their organisation? (25% of judges’ marks)
  3. What evidence is there of the transformational change and impact that the individual has had across the wider enterprise and entrepreneurship education sector? (25% of judges’ marks)
  4. What do you believe to be particularly novel, innovative and pioneering about this individual’s work in enterprise/entrepreneurship education? (25% of judges’ marks)

Inclusive Enterprise Education Award

Through your work, how are you driving change in Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity (EDI) in the areas of enterprise and entrepreneurship education and practice (the entire entry together with this response will be assessed for this award)

People’s Choice Award

Shortlisted entries will be invited to submit a short video for online public voting to determine the winner of an additional ‘People’s Choice’ award which could come from any of the four categories above.

Note on judging (does not apply to People’s Choice)

In seeking to recognise and reward good practice, the judges particularly value impact that is evidenced through feedback, evaluation, peer review etc. NEEA impact will be judged within the local context, so large student numbers will not influence the judging process.

Each submission will be read by a panel of independent judges. Judges will be required to declare any conflict of interest. Where such a conflict exists the judge concerned will not judge that entry.

Judging Panel

Joint Chairs of the Panel are Megan Powell Vreeswijk and Andy Mew.

The Panel comprises a selection of EEUK Fellows and Honorary Fellows. Details to be announced shortly.