The winners of the 2019 National Enterprise Educator Awards have been announced.
Enterprise catalyst – an individual enterprise or entrepreneurship educator or practitioner who is driving transformational change inside or outside the curriculum. Category sponsored by SimVenture Business Simulations.
The winner was Mr James Williams of the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. He is pictured below with Peter Harrington from SimVenture Business Simulations.
James is the ultimate Enterprise catalyst, passionate about inspiring and empowering others to achieve their full potential and positively influence society in both entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial ways. His fresh inspiring and dynamic approach, enhanced with a comprehensive understanding of emerging technologies, has pro-actively supported the enterprise culture and eco-system within the region. Smiling and positive he leads by example, role modelling an entrepreneurial educator, drivingtransformational change in the development and delivery of enterprise and entrepreneurship education.
James said, “It was a very special and wonderful experience to win the NEEA Enterprise Catalyst Award. It meant and continues to mean a lot to me personally and professionally. It is fantastic to win an Award in an area I feel very passionate about. I am grateful for the nomination and to the NEEA Team for establishing the Awards and for making it possible for Enterprise educators like myself to be recognized and valued in such a prominent way.”
Mr Ed Halliday, King’s College London and Mr Adrian De La Court, Goldsmiths, University of London were Highly Commended.
HE Team Enterprise – a team of HE staff delivering exceptional enterprise or entrepreneurship education inside or outside the curriculum. Category sponsored Simply Do Ideas.
The winner was the University of Westminster (Creative Enterprise Centre) Members of the winning team are pictured with Josh Barnett of Simply Do Ideas.
The Creative Enterprise Centre (CEC) is a student and graduate enterprise hub founded in April 2017; supporting University of Westminster students and graduates to develop their enterprise and entrepreneurship competencies. Over a 2 year period the CEC team has fostered a culture of entrepreneurship across the University and delivered an expansive and effective enterprise programme engaging over 3000 students in extra and co-curricular enterprise activities which include 1:1 business advice, live briefs, paid freelance work, workshops, mentoring and business competitions.
Shiela Birungi, Manager of the Creative Enterprise Centre said, “We are so proud to be 2019’s HE Enterprise Team Winners. The recognition from EEUK and our fellow members was highly encouraging and spurs on the CEC team’s continuous work to foster a culture of inclusive entrepreneurship at the University of Westminster and accelerate enterprise education outcomes”.
Imperial Enterprise Lab: From Startup to Scale-up, Imperial College London and Leading the Way in Inspiring Sheffield with STEM, University of Sheffield were Highly Commended.